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edocs Home > BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform 3.0/3.2/3.01 Documentation

Scott Cranton,
John Jerney
ALDSP 3.2 / 3.01

How To Support LDAP Server Entries Through Data Services

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AquaLogic Data Services Platform (ALDSP) enables you to create physical data services based on Java functions. The example described in this topic focuses on creating a physical data service based on a set of functions that can access and update entries in an LDAP server.

Specifically, the example:

  • Shows how to build and test a sample application configured to work, by default, with the LDAP server embedded in WebLogic server.
  • Provides step-by-step instructions for creating the physical data service based on the Java functions.
  • Shows how to create an operation in a logical data service to test the physical data service against the embedded LDAP server. 

Topic Map

Exploring the Sample Application

The sample application, located in the file, contains the following Java functions that you can use to create corresponding operations in a physical data service:

Java Function Description
Create an entity for a person on the LDAP server.
Remove a person from the LDAP server.
Retrieve all persons in the LDAP server.
Retrieve a record from the LDAP server identified by the specific ID.
Update a record on the LDAP service using SDO.
Update a record on the LDAP service using XMLBeans.

Working with the Sample Application

 Working with the sample application to create the physical data service involves the following steps:

  1. Create the sample application.
    This involves setting up your Ant environment, editing the file, configuring the WebLogic embedded LDAP server, and building the Java application.
    See Building a Java LDAP Application for step-by-step instructions on how to create the sample application.
  2. Create the physical data service based on the Java functions in the sample application.

    See Creating the Physical Data Service for the LDAP Sample for details about how to create the physical data service using the sample application.

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